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Learn How To Get Plot Control 4.0 For Free: Click Here

"This software is like structure on steroids." -Andy Jenkins, Haxan Films

What if you could write better, faster, and do more in the NEXT 90 DAYS than you have in the last THREE YEARS?

This video shows you how:

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  • There is no other industry in the world like Hollywood where you can go from being a complete unknown to an industry player earning top dollar on your first project.


    Step 1: Total Creative Freedom Without Boundaries…

    Imagine this…you’re on your way to work, you swerve because a squirrel runs across the street, your car bounces over the curb and you find yourself accelerating down a steep incline towards two old ladies pushing a baby carriage

    Right before the collision you’re thinking to yourself…Now this would be a great scene in a movie!

    Unlike any other software, with Plot Control 4.0 you can start from any point of inspiration…whether it’s the most ridiculous scenario or just everyday events.

    Inspiration can come from anywhere: a song, the news, your own life or even from the mind of a crazy squirrel. From this one point in the creative process, you develop the idea into a complete story.

    Using the tools that are already built into the software, you will never have any doubts about where to actually begin.

    “I was seriously contemplating giving writing away when a fortnight ago I received an email from InkTip about your software. Initially I thought, yeah, just another software I’ll buy and won’t use… but when I watched your intro videos I was hooked. This program is definitely worth its weight in gold. Thank you so much for sharing your remarkable program. All us aspiring writers are extremely grateful!”

    Kim Jacobs, Australia

    Step 2: Seize Every Opportunity And Capitalize On Every Idea…

    So as soon as you get out of the hospital, you rush to your copy of Plot Control because you know that you’ve got a great story to tell and the software will help you to unlock your story’s true potential.

    I mean the fact that those two old ladies and the baby weren’t even harmed was just a miracle… A MIRACLE I TELL YOU!! (Even everyone in the emergency room agreed.)

    Plot Control’s proprietary layout allows you to see all Twelve Core Elements and the Simple Story Timeline. This way you can take all of your ideas as they come to you, and know where they fit into your story.

    In addition, you have the Start Here Questions and Story Triangulation that guide you through the formulation of your characters and plot.

    “I met Mitchell at the Inktip Conference in Los Angeles. After hearing a little more about Plot Control, I challenged him to assist me with a project that I had been hired to write. In fact, I remember telling him that I had to leave in about 45 minutes and he said “I need 10.” We sat down…just the two of us with his software Plot Control. He asked me questions, filled in the blanks, and all of the holes in my story become abundantly clear. In fact, it was inspiring. I had been struggling with the 3rd act and putting off delivery, but with the help of Plot Control it was like I plowed through a creative wall. Everything became clear. Since working with Mitchell, I was able to re-craft the entire outline and get it to my Producers for approval. In fact they loved the new work.”

    Steven Goldmann, DGA, DGC

    Step 3: Write Better, Faster, And Get It Right The First Time...

    Of course everyone kept telling you that you’re crazy for thinking you could turn this idea into a screenplay “worthy of Hollywood.”

    But none of them stopped you, because you knew that Plot Control 4.0 allowed you to create truly layered, three-dimensional characters and integrated storylines by way of its unique process.

    The software allows you to build out your story dynamically with its built in drag and drop capabilities on the structure timeline… rearranging things until you get it right.

    And because of the built in Core Elements and Simple Story Timeline, you can spend your time thinking about the creative elements of your story and not on the minutiae of structure.

    When you’re ready, you can start writing you actual screenplay without ever leaving the program.

    “Good storytelling starts with good structure… and good structure starts with Plot Control. This software is like structure on steroids. It structures a story’s “Core Elements”, it “Triangulates” & structures your thematic elements, and of course it structures your three acts. With Plot Control structure is just done for you. (Very Cool.)”

    Andy Jenkins, Haxan Films

    Step 4: Write The Story Your Mother Always Knew You Could...

    Despite all the doubters and all the naysayers it was your mom who always stood by you and believed that you really had it in you and guess what… She Was Right!

    Plot Control 4.0 is the result of literally thousands of hours of dissection and research into Hollywood’s most successful movies to find that pattern that made those movies work so well not just by financial standards, but also in terms of their critical acclaim.

    With your scene-by-scene breakdown, you get cranking on the actual script knowing full well that all story structure, character relevance, thematic layers, and every key element is accounted for. In short, you know that your story WILL WORK as a movie.

    “Mitch has developed a unique and extremely useful program to assist writers in developing a fool proof story. Having produced, written and directed movies and television for thirty years, this screenplay program is the most useful tool I have ever seen. Plot Control is the best tool for the young and established writer in helping them map out a successful story.”

    Rocky Lang, Producer/Director/Writer, White Squall (A Ridley Scott Film), Nervous Ticks, Titanic

    Step 5: Increase Your Chances Of Selling Your Script To Hollywood...

    Suddenly your project is gaining interest from agents, managers, and producers, and things are REALLY LOOKING UP.

    No one can believe how far you’ve come, but you know that you’ve written the kind of screenplay that Hollywood is looking for.

    And you know that it was Plot Control 4.0 that inspired and guided you to an amazing outcome (with just a little help from the mind a crazy little squirrel)

    “I’ve done a few courses and read dozens of books over the years and never got even close to a decent script. After just two months or so in this program I have a first draft and even interested producers. Without this I would still just be sitting with a few index cards and a disjointed story.”

    Martin Nel, South Africa


    Sign Up For Plot Control 4.0 NOW So You Don't Miss Out On Your Next Great Idea!

  • Total creative freedom without boundaries!

  • Seize every opportunity and capitalize on every idea!

  • Write better, faster and get it right the first time!

  • Write the story your mother always knew you could!

  • Increase your chances of selling your script to Hollywood!


  • Build Three Dimensional Characters

  • Develop a Layered Plot

  • Integrate Themes and Subplots

  • Identify Conflict and Drama

  • Write Your Scripts

  • Customize Your Projects

  • Format Screenplays

  • Access Your Work From Anywhere

  • Easy Story Outline

  • Three or More Act Structure

  • Core Elements

  • Story Triangulation

  • Build Relevant Themes

  • Plots and Characters

  • Link Your Outline to Your Screenplays

  • Work with Writing Partners 


    (Kindle, Nook, Kobo or PDF):

    Learn The Secrets Of Storytelling For The Masses:

    Your Storytelling Potential: The Underground Guide To Finally Writing A Great Screenplay or Novel

    Learn How To Turn Your Story Ideas Into Screenplays And Novels With Genuine Layers & Depth

    The truth about great storytelling is hidden in plain view for anyone to see, but nearly EVERY EXPERT ignores the most basic story construct. If you want to write GREAT STORIES, you must understand these three essential storytelling rules:

    A/B Parallel Structure

    The most basic trait that every great story has in common is that they always have Two Converging Stories. In fact, the "premise" of great stories is created by this very convergence. 

    Thematic Relevance

    Nearly every story "expert" teaches that Theme creates the "message" of a story, this is horrible information that is just flat out wrong. In all great stories, Theme links the A-Story to the B-Story.

    Simple Story Timeline

    The linear graphs used by nearly every "expert" are flat & two dimensional graphs, based on only one storyline. Structure in all great stories follows a predictable pattern of multiple interwoven stories

  • Chapters and Contents

    Absolutely Essential Information About Stories You MUST Know

    That NO ONE Else is Teaching!

  • Chapter 1: Hidden, Revealed & Unknown 

  • Chapter 2: The Beginning Is Not The Beginning

  • Chapter 3: Theme: The Conceptual War

  • Chapter 4: Three-Branch Reasons & Thematic Connections

  • Chapter 5: A Journey Of Mind: Logic, Despair, Clarity

  • Chapter 6: Structural Connection Points

  • Chapter 7: Twelve Core Elements

  • Chapter 8: The Theory of Subplot Relativity

  • Chapter 9: The Simple Story Timeline

  • Chapter 10: Characters As Cause

  • Chapter 11: Your Revealed Storytelling Potential


    Plot Control 4.0 Screenshots


    Sign up for Plot Control 4.0 TODAY Lifetime Access and you will NEVER be charged again for this software.

  • Forever Access to Plot Control 4.0

  • Unlimited Projects

  • Built-In Templates

  • Access to Plot Control 4.0 Training

  • Access to Movie Breakdowns: Interstellar, Skyfall, Men In Black 3, Inception, The Adjustment Bureau, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, and More.Built-In Final Draft Compatible Scriptwriter

  • All drafts and scripts in one place

  • Full Access to Sharing and Collaboration Features (See Bonuses Below)

  • Writing partners can access the same project and collaborate at the same time

  • Precision Point History and Rollback

  • Link Outline to Screenplay Drafts (Coming Soon)

  • Unlimited Online Access - Anytime / Anywhere

  • 14-Day Money Back Guarantee


    The Fast and Easy Action Guides is a 105 page PDF Document that provides you with step-by-step action items to immediately incorporate into Plot Control.


    To get you started with Plot Control, we’re providing ONE ADD-ON USER LICENSE. Add-On licenses are required in order to collaborate in Plot Control. and these will enable you to immediately begin working alone or together with your writing partners to create EVERY PART of your story and screenplay.


    Replay access to the Deep Structure Workshop. In this workshop we breakdown six movies: Interstellar, Skyfall, Men In Black 3, Inception, The Adjustment Bureau and A.I. Artificial Intelligence. During this workshop we studied these movies by breaking them down into their Primary Plots and Subplots, and we went through these movies scene-by-scene, and we identified the A-Stories and B-Stories, and the A and B Story dialogue. This workshop will really show you how to maximize your work with Plot Control and you will also get sample projects of each one of these movies you can load into your new copy of Plot Control 4.0.


    Whether You Are Writing Novels, Screenplays or Any Other Type of Story, If Your Stories Are Flat & Two Dimensional (or) If You Struggle With Writer's Block (or) If You Just Don't Understand Why Your Work Is Just Not "Good Enough", THEN this book will show you exactly what distinguishes the truly great stories, novels and screenplays, and how you can emulate their underlying patterns and success. You will receive a link to immediately download your preferred digital version.

    Full Retail Price: Over $1000

    Discount Lifetime Price:



    TODAY ONLY $197!

    (One Payment = Lifetime Access)

  • Your transactions are 100% secured. We use the best possible encryption method available.

  • "The way it’s organized, it forces you to fill in the information that makes your story more complete, while at the same time it simplifies the process, so you can keep your mind focused on storytelling. One of the challenges of writing alone is trying to think of all the different perspectives to make your story work, but not with Plot Control. At a glance, I can view everything on one page pictorially, and I don’t have to read through 24 pages of an outline. I am excited to write a feature using this program. Oh yeah… it’s easy to use. (Seriously!) (Even for me.)"

    Cindy Lichtman: Ally McBeal, The Practice

    “In the 15 years I’ve been writing for TV and film, I have never come across a system so intuitive to the writer’s needs. This is why movies used to be better than they are now. It’s easily going to shortcut the story breaking on all my projects from now on. Its value was so clearly demonstrated when we had Mitchell sit in on a script meeting on one of my projects and in a matter minutes he identified and help solve a major plot issue that had been eluding us for weeks.”

    Jeremy Miller, Writer/Producer: Entourage, Boston Public, We Are Marshall (Script Doctor), Ghost of Girlfriends Past (Script Doctor)

    “I’ve read heaps of books and attended countless seminars on writing screenplays. This system makes the most sense to me. It’s a step-by-step guide to cracking your screenplay’s core story that has already saved me months (perhaps years!) of precious time. Even better, working personally with Mitchell German has expedited the writing process. His structuring of key elements is genius.”

    Donna Sozio, Bestselling Author of Never Trust a Man in Alligator Loafers and The Man Whisperer 

    “I feel like a week’s worth of progress was made in an hour this morning. That’s a very satisfying feeling.”

    Jared Wynn, Ink Tip

    Reviewing the training, the content, the software, and considering how you translated it to a format that is user-friendly, even for beginners, but also a refreshing re-introduction to the craft (plus art) of screenplay development for professionals — is a remarkable achievement. The software compliments the content flawlessly. It is an engaging mix of craft and creative ingenuity. And the means with which you interrupted complex story elements and break them down with practical examples from movies supports and reaffirms every statement you make, and the power of Plot Control. I’m so impressed with this wonderful man and his program, that we are recommending it to everyone we know, in the writers guild, here in Australia, and the Producers Association as well, plus fellow colleagues. Thank you.”

    Jim Healy, Caesar’s Sword Productions

    “I’m an award winning writer/director and this system and approach to writing a movie is the most unique and effective method I have ever seen. It really does enable you to write a screenplay that will meet the highest professional standards on the very first pass.”

    Tony Travis, Writer/Director/Educator, 2 Tone Films: Love Goggles (Hollywood Black Film Festival Winner)

    "I’ve been around the block as far as reading books, going to workshops, and even being friends with well connected executives, and none of that ever helped, or even came close to what you have taught me in 3 weeks!! I’m still blown away every single day. You’ve taken all of the guesswork out of screenwriting and I can now move forward with complete confidence. With an original idea, and backed by your formula, you basically become UNSTOPPABLE! Thank you again!”

    Philip A. Raya, Screenwriter

    “Very fine program! I’ll be recommending it to my screenwriting students”

    Charles Deemer, Portland State University, Author of “Practical Screenwriting”

    “I have been looking at Plot Control for the last couple of weeks. I saw you again tonight while on Facebook. I decided to purchase. I am so glad I did. This is just what the “Doctor” ordered! I am very excited. This is going to give me the tools necessary to be successful. I am very confident now. I will tell my friends this is the ticket. It does work like your advertisement. Please know this about me. I do not throw complements around everyday. I must be completely satisfied and confident in the product or I don’t comment.”

    Bettie Styurak, Plot Control Customer

    “My family is sick of hearing me say how much I love Plot Control, but it’s exciting to use something that forces me to focus on the story, plot, characters, subplots, theme… you know. The training videos are great. Now I have all my ideas in one place, I can print an outline anytime, and my walls are free to display family pictures instead of index cards. You’ve made a great product. I love you guys.”

    Bettie Styurak, Plot Control Customer

    “I was literally blown away just now by the strength of this system. I’ve been having some problems with a project I’ve been working on. I had all the components but when I put them together it resulted in a mess for which I could not think up a suitable ending. So I decided to use the Start HereQuestions. I answered ONE question: What is the underlying idea or concept that is expressed by the PLOT or even the TITLE of your movie? By answering that one single question, I was able to come up with a Theme that changed everything for the better and gave me the hook on which I can now hang my characters and an ending with a twist. Thank You!”

    Harvey JacobsPlot Control Customer

    “I recently bought a copy of Plot Control, and I have to say it’s awesome. I finally have a concrete system for outlining. Up until now my spiral notebook of random ideas was my prewriting process, but I can now focus on the use of proper story structure. I also found that I can easily work on multiple projects at the same time. You guys will be in the list of “thank yous” when I accept my Oscar.”

    Ryan Binse, Plot Control Customer

    “I just purchased Plot a couple of days ago, and already I see where I went wrong in writing my script. You have to take the time to answer the Questions in reference to your idea. You may think that you have put in the work, but these questions are what you should be asking yourself before you begin to write. I have been waiting for a software program such as this to help ‘storyboard’ my ideas. Thank you so much and I plan to put this to good use beginning this week!”

    Irene Conde, Plot Control Customer

    You blew my mind by randomly picking a song title and building off of it and I didn’t and still don’t have a title but I do have answers for the questions and know what the title will say. Now just as the sub-plots are beginning to open up a host of bright new (colorful) angles and I’m about to go crazy trying to put the right twist on this rubik cube of a story; you come with the rubik cube analogy. Awesome!”

    Lloyd of Richmon, Plot Control Customer

    “I couldn’t help but tell you that you have blown me out’a of the water. I’m a beginner and have bought a lot of ‘books’. My first script is 60 pages so far and I am stumped! Nowhere to go until now. I have read all those books and read all those parts of scripts and quotes, parts of action, etc in movies without explanation, or not much. They go on and on, but I can’t get it. It’s like other software, nothing is explained directly, underlined or marked. They don’t show me what part I want to understand so I can grasp it. Everything is in a couple of lines or a 1/4 of a paragraph. Now with yours I can rewrite and get going. I thank you mate, and my wife is having a go too. (I mean at writing).”

    Grant Trumper, Plot Control Customer

    “I now realize the power of having the Core Elements – especially the Primary Situation and the Primary Obstacle. It just anchors you, details can be changed later, but not on the Core story elements. Another insight I had… the characters are about the story – not the other way around. Also nailing down the Midpoint Scene was key. I now understand this. Right now, I am “building”, not “writing”, a screenplay. I have to build it first, build the foundation, frame and walls. This is first – I now get it. The details… the paint, carpet and furniture comes later. I am thinking about that stuff, but I can’t start with it and be successful."

    Gary Sheehan, Plot Control Customer

    “This program has clarified how I look at plotting and has really helped me overcome issues and “see” the dynamics through Plot Control. It just makes good sense. And my rewrite is going very well… Maybe because I know where I’m going!!”

    Dawn Crouch, Plot Control Customer

    “I know writers who pay $250 -$300 a month for “mentoring” from established experts and from what I’ve seen of the results… you kick their ass.

    Tim Elliott, Plot Control Customer

    WOW! "this programme is worth its weight in gold.”

    Writer’s Guild of South Africa – Official Newsletter


    • "I have to tell you, it’s fantastic. Now when I watch movies or read any scripts, it’s like immediately my mind starts thinking the A, the B. They should have worked harder on the B. The B isn’t causing the A. This would be so easy to fix. It’s pretty astounding. The information is incredible. It’s something that once you start to process and really understand, you can’t unsee it."

      Zeke Farrow - Your Storytelling Potential

    Contains Dozens of Conceptual Visual Diagrams:

    Includes FREE Essential Story Building Worksheets:

    The ONLY OTHER WAY To Get These Worksheets Is By Joining The $1500 Online Course!

    “I love stories, especially thoughtful, interlaced ones but I never understood a story's depth until I came across your presentations. Listening to you, interacting with participants, has been the capstone of my re-awakened desire to write fulfilling stories. I now have all the storytelling tools that are required.

    Ozzie Logozzo

    Your Storytelling Potential

    “It's finally starting to sink in. Your course continues to help me focus and arrange the many puzzle pieces of the screenplay which I couldn't do before. It really helps and gives me a better pathway to keep developing my story. I am very excited about my screenplay thanks to your guidance.

    Hope Vinitsky

    Your Storytelling Potential

    Hey Mitch! OMG, absolutely fabulous material. I've read almost all the books and done many courses and this stuff is gold! (I'm doing a lot of unlearning at the moment.) That idea of the start of the story being the blowing up of the (bleep) is genius. Thanks for doing what you do."

    Kathy Keats

    Your Storytelling Potential

    Describing how a finished story works is not the same as providing guidance for how to make a working story. Seeing how this is done by taking the bits and pieces that are not yet a story and slowing turning those bits and pieces into a story is what makes your course worthwhile."

    Laurence Starn

    Your Storytelling Potential

    Dear Mitch. I am in awe. I feel as though I have been catapulted into a new realm. Over some months I have struggled with my story, but by attending your webinars (some on replay) it is as though I have received a massive intravenous infusion of INSIGHT. Thank you.

    Stuart Ungar

    Your Storytelling Potential

    "Amazing piece of work you have developed. Your worksheets, your unique method of thinking about the A-Story and B-story and how subplots enrich both storylines, and the crystalline way of approaching the theme is the most helpful advice I've ever received."

    Allan Cram

    Your Storytelling Potential

    "It's starting to click! The A and B story idea is starting to make sense. Thanks for this great course. It really opens up my understanding of how things work together."

    Timothy Hicks

    Your Storytelling Potential

    Just finished listening to Live Session #16. I loved it. I loved all of it. Your discussion of the Cause to a Cause for both the A & B-stories is terrific. But what I really loved was what you had to say about the Proximate Cause Character and the Underlying Cause Character. Thanks again for your remarkable seminar. 

    Blake Thomas

    Your Storytelling Potential

    “The way you think about story is better than anyone else out there. And I think the new material and how you think about the interplay between A and B stories and Theme is off the charts helpful. I’m finding this way of thinking of story mind-opening. So much easier to break story this way!"

    Zeke Farrow

    Your Storytelling Potential

    “I never really liked Good Will Hunting when I first saw it -- but you sure brought it alive! You've done that with all the movies you've featured. It's been fascinating. I love your enthusiasm for this. This concept of A and B story is fascinating -- and I intend to master it in my own writing!"

    Tracy Cheney

    Your Storytelling Potential

    “Already it's clearer what my problem is and what everyone's problem is! There's been this nagging pain for all these years that says there's still something missing even though I've read about it obsessively and tried out so many different techniques. It does feel like a veil has been lifted, so I'm thrilled I'm doing this.”

    Vinny Murphy

    Your Storytelling Potential

    "Just wanted to express my thorough enjoyment of your class talking about the duality of storytelling. Your unique insights are allowing me to both tackle new ideas with more confidence and empowering me to crack the mystery of existing script problems with enhanced clarity."

    Vanessa Burt

    Your Storytelling Potential

    About Us

    For over a decade, Mitchell German has pioneered innovative software platforms that revolutionize the storytelling process. His groundbreaking products—Plot Control, Chapter Control, Episode Control, Your Storytelling Potential (YSP), EssayDog.com (designed for college application essays), and his latest AI-powered program, Story Studio Lab—are trusted by tens of thousands of writers across every genre and level of expertise.

    From emerging talents to seasoned professionals—including screenwriters, fiction authors, A-list filmmakers, and even renowned media figures (household names)—German’s tools empower creators to craft compelling, richly layered narratives with precision and depth. By shifting the focus from the mechanics of writing to the art of story creation, his platforms emphasize structure, thematic relevance, ideation, and development, allowing storytellers to fully unlock their creative potential.

    Mitchell’s distinctive approach has earned widespread acclaim, with his technologies celebrated for boosting productivity, igniting creativity, and overcoming challenges like writer’s block and endless drafts. His work has been featured in national media, solidifying his reputation as a thought leader and innovator in the art and science of storytelling.

    Through his unwavering commitment to enhancing the creative process, Mitchell German continues to redefine how stories are conceived, developed, and shared, leaving an indelible mark on the literary and entertainment industries.


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    Plots. Characters. Themes. Drafts.



    Copyright 2025 Creative Writer Software LLC | Your Storytelling Potential LLC | All Rights Reserved